Digital Marketing Tips, Tricks & Guides

Video Marketing Stats For You to Plan for 2023

In the year 2022, most marketers agree that implementing a video marketing strategy has helped increase sales and customer engagement. But why is it so effective? Here are the point-of-views of marketers versus consumers: Video Marketing Overall Video content is 1200% more effective than other marketing content. Adding a video to your website increases the […]

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Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy for 2023

Looking to make improvements to your social media marketing strategy? Now is the time! Whether you are new or a veteran of social media, it doesn’t hurt to fine-tune your digital marketing strategy because digital marketing changes very often and very quickly. That’s why, at SCM, we have decided to give you some pointers on […]

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Use Video Marketing to Boost Conversions and SEO

Using video marketing to brand your business isn’t new, but what has changed is the fact that it has become popular in every social media platform. It has also become very convenient to use: it is cost-effective and you can even use it through your smartphone with the highest quality. The reason for its popularity […]

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Wondering Why Your Website Doesn’t Show Up on Google?

Google is one of the largest search engines to exist today. If your website isn’t on Google, then you are missing out on a large traffic and revenue source. To fix this issue, there is a need to invest in Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO. However, SEO doesn’t just happen overnight. Here are […]

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Tips to Keeping Your Website Content Fresh and Relevant

A trustworthy website is only as credible as the relevant content on it. Up to date website content can help provide insight for customers to make the decision of choosing you to do business with. Not only that, but a user-friendly and well designed website improves brand awareness and makes your website more memorable. With […]

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What Can Digital Marketing Do For My Business?

Digital marketing has become the norm in order to have a successful business. Did you know that there are close to five billion internet users as of 2022? Imagine the mass exposure your business could get! The future of your business can be full of numerous opportunities and digital sales, but only if you invest […]

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What Happens When You Stop Investing in SEO

If you worked with a bad digital marketing company and wanted to stop investing in SEO for your website what’s the damage going to be? To put it simply it could ruin your business, let me explain. SEO isn’t a one-trick fix to magically get you ranking higher in Google forever. It’s a slow process […]

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Social Media Marketing and Platforms Your Business Should be in

When it comes to social media marketing running all the different platforms can be super difficult and time-consuming especially when you don’t know the best times to post or the best strategies for each platform. Today I’m going to go over what platforms your business needs to be on to help your social media marketing […]

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Your business needs to be making videos

The year is 2022 and if your business isn’t making videos then you are behind the curve and missing out on more traffic, more engagement, and MORE BUSINESS. Videos have tons of benefits for your business and brand and you can start seeing results immediately with them.  Here is why your business needs to start […]

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